Tuesday, August 20, 2013

No. 5

No. 5: A Mother's Insight

"Sir, we have received this letter from Alexander Grant, the professor in Washington DC."
"Well what does it say?"
“...They have had a threat on the Savior's life.”
“Who gave it?”
“His brother, Sage.”
“Hmm...They are to come here immediately. Send a message to Alexander.”
“Yes sir.”


After the meeting in Venn's house, Stryder headed towards the odd shaped building that served as the training center. Once there, and changed into training garments, He busied himself with push ups and tried to keep his mind on the task. But it was almost impossible. Kaleigh's face flashed in his head, over and over again. The kind smiles, the warm hugs, the encouragement she always gave him when he didn't want to face the responsibilities of his role.
Sweat dripped into his eyes and he shook his head, trying to clear it. The images wouldn't go away, they became stronger and stronger, unlocking things he had struggled to put away. It was too much, he didn't know what was happening, or how, or why, but it was draining him. His energy was gone, leaving him lying on the cement floor, passed out cold.


October, 12th, 1996

Entry 38

I am scared for Sage.
His passion for killing the Elementals is as strong and bloodthirsty as his father's. Sage is constantly following his father around, getting aggravated with his father when a plan goes wrong, and rejoicing when they bring more down.
Curiosity fuels him. He could a mass to greatness, if he would only realize the difference between right and wrong.

It's not often that he comes and talks to me much anymore. He's grown so much, but so does his black heart. Though, sometimes I still see goodness in it.
He use to be my little shadow. Following me everywhere when he was but a toddler.
He said today, when he visited me in my chambers, that he was saddened by the fact that he had not been around for me as much as he would have liked. But he figured I was too busy for him since I am taking care of his baby brother.
I, of course, expressed how untrue this train of thought was and said I always had time for him.
He then talked to me for a good two hours, about his dreams and plans for the future.
For a thirteen year old, he has big plans.
I see how much he still loves me, and that gives me hope, that maybe... he can still be good.

Lillie Ann closed the old, leather bound journal. Laying it on her lap as she stared out the window, watching the snow fall outside creating a winter wonderland she wanted so bad to go and explore.
So you believe he still has some good in him, mom?
She sighed and tried to resist the urge to rub her eyes, it would only mess up the contacts.
Turning towards the desk, she placed the journal in a secret spot in the drawer, and then locked the drawer, placing the key around her neck and tucking it into her black blouse.
There was a knock on the big oak door. She composed herself before calling to the butler that he could come in.
“Dinner is served mistress Lillie Ann.” He said in a dead tone.
She looked at him for a moment before realizing, that everything about him seemed dead.
He showed no expression, ever. His skin was pale and ghostly looking. His black and white suit was the only splash of color on him.
“I'll be along in a moment George.” She answered.
The butler bowed his head before leaving, quietly closing the door behind him.

Lillie sighed, letting her shoulders slump forward. She watched the clock on the red wall above the desk and tried to judge just how long she could go before her father got impatient.
Finally, she guessed it had been long enough.
She rose from her seat and glanced at her reflection on the wardrobe's door.
The black blouse was a bold contrast against her pale skin, but her raven black curls blended in. The blood red skirt flared out at the bottom, but was other wise tight and showed off her body.
It wasn't an outfit she would have chosen for herself. No if she could have worn what ever she wanted, it would be jeans and a sweatshirt with her ice-skates in her hand as she ran out to the lake.
But her father thought she should be a grown, sophisticated, lady. At the age of sixteen. In all the outfits he had the maids buy for her, made her look twenty-five, and she hated it.
At least he didn't make her wear make up.

Downstairs, she was escorted into the formal dining room. It was illuminated by candles that lined the walls, and a large chandelier that hung over the massive oak table.
As she took her seat, in the middle of the table, she glanced across it to see her brother, and then down at the far end, her father.
Lillie Ann hated dinner. It was the one meal that her father required all of them be present at. Breakfast, she usually ate by herself in her rooms, and lunch was spent with the servants in the kitchens. Of course, if anyone was asked, she was always in her room.

The servants came out of the woodwork, and placed plates of food in front of the three people sitting at the table. There was actually five chairs seated around the table, but two of them had been empty for almost as long as Lillie Ann could remember.

Sage, how goes the hunt for those retched Elementals?”
Both, Sage, and Lillie Ann looked up from their plates at their father, who was cutting into his chicken.
Lucas Richard Campbell was a man of status. And you could tell just by how he held himself.
His dark eyes were always stern and serious, his brown hair was trimmed just right and oiled to perfection. His suits cost about a thousand dollars each, and were tailored to fit him just right. He was a tall man, with broad shoulders that were strong, and though he looked like a high end millionaire businessman, he knew how to kill a man in some of the most excruciating ways that Lillie Ann never wanted to even imagine.

Sage cleared his throat before answering his father's question.
“I have been planning another attack on them and this time, I think we will over come them.”
“You think?!”
Lillie could tell Sage regretted his choice of words.
“I am positive father. I will crush them.”
Mr. Campbell raised an eyebrow and had a look of disgust on.
“I'll believe that when I see it.”
Sage dipped his head in submission and turned back to his food.
Lillie Ann studied her brother and tried to see what her mother saw in him.
“And what have you been up to today Lillie Ann? More frivolity around town I presume?”
Lillie tried to compose herself and instantly came up with a response.
“No, father. Actually I spent most of the day in the library. Studying up on the Elementals and trying to understand them.”
“Understand them? There is nothing to understand! They possess powers that could eliminate us all. Wipe us out and then rule what ever was left! They are evil killing machines.”
“Are they?” Lillie Ann challenged, meeting her father's gaze.
Sage tried to keep from choking on his wine.
After a moment of silence, Mr. Campbell smiled at his daughter.
“I can always trust you to give me a headache.” But then his expression turned hard. “But remember your place. Your mother forced me to let you live with us when she found you out on the streets. You were nothing before I brought you into our lives. Nothing.”
Lillie stared at her father in disbelief that he had just used her past against her. Though she knew, rationally, it wasn't out of character for him. He was harsh, and would use every card in his hand to get what he wanted.

She pushed away her chair, and rose from the table. Ignoring her father's calls for her to come back and sit down. Once the large oak doors slammed shut after her, she kicked of the painful heels, and ran back to her room upstairs.
In her room, she stripped down and threw on a pair of pants, and several long sleeves. Shoving her feet into her boots, and throwing on a scarf, her jacket, mittens and a beanie. As she moved out of her room, she grabbed a backpack that was leaning up against her desk.


Cliff looked dully outside the window and tried to get his creative juice to flow. He looked down at the paragraph and erased it all. Then he wrote it over again, but was still disappointed about the out come and erased it again. Eventually, he erased a hole through the paper and knew he needed to do something else before he started to get really frustrated.
He threw on his winter gear and headed out the door of the small house he and his siblings shared.
“Hey where you going?” Venn called from the couch.
“I'm going out, I'll see you later!”
He then grabbed the keys to the truck and ran outside.


He didn't know where he was going, he was just driving, when he suddenly ended up at the frozen lake. He parked the car, and jumped out.
Only a few people were skating today, and fewer were walking around. He figured none of them thought it was worth going out and getting cold.
Cliff almost decided
to go back to the car when he noticed a girl glide onto the ice. Instantly, he was captivated by the way she moved. Most of the other skaters were amateurs, slipping and sliding, not sure of themselves.
But this girl, she was different.
She skated with confidence, and grace. Her presence was noticed only by a few, but those who noticed her, stopped to watch. Including Cliff, who seated himself on the fence that lined the lake.

After a few minutes of just skating around the edge of the lake, the strange girl began to pull of some tricks, starting with just a simple jump, but to everyone watching, was amazing, and not so simple.
Cliff noticed that the moves flowed through her effortlessly as she moved to a song in her head. He found it incredible that someone could move like that on just thin blades and ice. It took a lot of falling, and a lot of determination to do something like that.
His eyes never left her as she moved across the lake, in a dance that was flawless and
Cliff found himself wondering about her. Who she was, what her life was like, who was her family, was she shy? Or was she bold?
But she was an enigma to him.

Her dance came to an end with a slight curtsy. Everyone clapped and she looked up in shock, as if just realizing there were other people watching her. Her cheeks turned a rosy color, and Cliff knew she was the shy type. Definitely.
Her bright blue eyes looked around the lake at all the people, and then her eyes fell on him. She blushed even harder and quickly looked down quickly as she skated back to the edge of the lake.
Cliff decided to take a chance and pushed himself off the fence and walked over to her.
She was sitting down on a bench, unlacing her skates and putting her boots back on.
“So is it normal for you to stare at every girl that has some kind of skill?” She asked, not looking up.
“Uh...” He wasn't quiet sure how to respond to her question. And he still hadn't said anything when she finished untying her skates and looked up at him expectantly.
“Well that's a very intelligent answer. I'm shocked you've lived this long, unless of course you're a high school drop out or something then I just pity you.”She slung her backpack onto her shoulder and began to walk away.
“Okay that was not fair.” He argued, running to catch up with her.
“Fair? Who told you life was fair?” She questioned with a small smile.
“No one. And I know it's not fair, I just meant, can you give me a chance? Just a small chance?”

She stopped and turned to him abruptly, causing him almost to collide with her.
Her intense gaze looked at him square in the eye, as she chewed on her bottom lip.
“You can buy me a cup of coffee, how about that? Big enough chance?”
“It's perfect.” He said with a blushing smile.

So wait, let me get this strait,” Cliff said, trying to keep his voice low in the slow cafe. “you've been ice skating since you were five?”
The girl laughed as she picked up her cup, caressing it in between her hands.
“Is that so hard to believe? I mean girls do gymnastics at five, so why cant I have started ice skating at five?”
It just seems like torture to me.”
“Haha, not if you enjoy doing it.”
“True. Like my brother thinks I'm insane for liking English class.”
“Precisely! Why do you like English class?”
“Oh...um...well I like to write.”
Cliff was suddenly hit with d
éjà vu. The whole scene was familiar, even the conversation topic. He had been in the exact same place, in the other life. With his sister. (which he didn't know was his sister at the time.)
“Oh!” Lillie cried with obvious interest. “What do you like to write? Poetry? Biographies? Fiction?”
“Fiction. Definitely fiction. I can't write poetry at all, and it's not really my favorite. And biographies are always dry and boring.”
“Well I agree with you on the biography. But you don't know what you're missing with the poetry! Some of it can be so beautiful.” She said quietly into her cup of coffee.
“I'm not disagreeing, I just haven't come across a poem that made me instantly fall in love with poetry.” She nodded several times while sipping her coffee.
“Well I might have to fix that.” Lillie said with a playful smile.
She had introduced herself as Lillie. Just Lillie. At which he introduced himself as just Cliff. When they sat down, she had taken off her beanie, letting her curls fall free and hang around her shoulders. Her skin was fair, which always told tale of her blushes, and red lips.
She reminded him of a modern Snow White.
“So...would it be possible to read this fiction?” She asked.
“Ah...well it's still a working progress and all...”
“Great! I'll be your editor and adviser. It does have romance in it right?”
“Then you'll definitely need an adviser.” She stated.
“Hey! Are you saying I can't write a romance?” He
argued playfully.
“No, I'm saying
men can't write a romance. A proper one anyways. They always make the girl be all swoony and all and it's an insult to the female sex.”
“Is that so?”
“Yes! And also,” She leaned on her elbows on the table, her expression a little frustrated, but completely open. “they always make the female characters do
absolutely nothing! The only thing they do is scream and that's so far from the truth.”
let's say you were trapped in a house with a werewolf, you wouldn't scream?”
“No of course I would scream, I'm a girl. But I would also get my butt out of that house. Or if a shotgun was around that just happened to have silver bullets in it, I would shoot the thing.
And I would never. Ever run up stairs!“Ah.”
“So you see? It's totally different.”
Cliff and Lillie shared a smile as they drank their coffee.

No. 4

No. 4: The Beginning of the End

Kale shoved her feet into her boots, handed in her ice skates and waited for Brandon to get his shoes on. Her eyes looked around, taking in the beauty of the winter wonderland and snapped a few pictures.
"You can capture the most interesting pictures from the most bland landscape."
She turned around and smiled at the boy looking over her shoulder.
"Like I am looking at the same landscape, and I'm sure you somehow managed to capture this white desert in an interesting light."
"Well, I'm not that great, but thank you. However, I can't capture people in vivid colors on a canvas."
"Well then I guess it's a good thing I have my talents and you have yours."
Kaleigh nodded in agreement and followed Brandon as he turned to leave.
"So I guess it's back to training huh?" She said quietly, secretly hating the thought.
"Uh-huh. But hey," He grabbed her gloved hand and smiled at her. "It's just a phase. Once you get through the training it's done."
"Yeah but that's so far from now! I mean come on. Next to you I look like a kid messing around having no clue what to do."
"Hey you can't go and compare yourself to someone who's had years of training way before you even started alright? that's not far to you."
Kale sighed and ran her free hand through her hair.
"I know, but it's so hard not too -"
"Already having fights are we? If you keep this up people will start thinking that you're married."
The two kids jumped, turning around in defensive stances at the voice that sent chills down their spines.

They came face to face with their fears they had been praying would never come to life. A teenage boy stood in front of them, a leather black trench coat covering black pants and longsleeve. His boots had made no sound in the snow as he had approached which unnerved both of them. His black curls was the only thing that connected him to his brother, Stryder.
Kaleigh's hand automatically went to the silver
necklaces wrapped around her neck, just as Brandon's hand went to his back, where she knew he kept a pack of throwing stars on his belt.
The boy held up a hand, stopping them for the moment.
"Please, I'm just here to talk." He said calmly.
"When have you ever come just to talk, Sage?" Kaleigh asked.
"Touche. Well listen anyways because you'll regret not doing so."
Kale sighed but didn't move, which he took as a key to continue, though he was still aware that the boy
hadn't moved his hand off his stars.
"Well I just thought you should know that with the help of the extensive
research done by our department dedicated to your...mutation's history, we have figured out where it's all connected and how to destroy it." Sage shifted, and looked up at the graying sky. "And I can't say that I mind killing my brother, I always knew he was a freak. I only just figured out what a dangerous freak he was, but that'll all change soon." He looked back to Kaleigh and Brandon, who exchanged a glance.
"Sage, why are you telling us this?"
"Because I wanted to level the playing field. But this is the last time you'll get any tips from me." He locked eyes with Kale and winked. "Sweet dreams." And then he was gone, just as swiftly as he had come. Leaving behind an unmistakeable chill and dread in the air.


"And this is exactly what he said, you're sure?"
Kaleigh nodded. "Yes Professor, exactly."
The Professor leaned back in his deep, over stuffed leather desk chair and became lost in thought for a long moment.

Kaleigh and Brandon had come right back to the school and flew strait to the Professor's office to tell him exactly what had happened. And now he sat there gazing off into space, a quiet falling over them and neither of the kids wanting to break it.
Kale glanced over at Brandon, who tried not to look irritated.
"This is very troubling," The Professor said finally. "I fear for Stryder's life. His brother obviously knows about him being important. I am scared of what they might know in all honesty. I need to contact the Council they will know what to do."
"The Council?" Kaleigh asked, confusion clear on her face.
The Professor sighed and rubbed his forehead. "I forgot how much you still don't know. Brandon, please explain the situation to the other Guardians and show them what you know about the Council. I have a very important letter to write."
Brandon nodded and gestured to Kaleigh to follow him as they left the Professor.

A few minutes later everyone was gathered in the triplets' living room, including Terra, and Stryder who they had called over.
"Kaleigh would you mind telling us what on earth you called all of us here for?" Venn asked, rubbing his eyes trying to wake up fully as he tugged a shirt on. Despite the fact that Terra couldn't in fact see, she smiled and quickly turned to Kale.
"Well actually it was Brandon who called you all here." She answered, turning to him expectantly. He glared at her but she just gave him a cute smile to which he tried not to smile at.
"Oh would you two stop flirting and just get on with why you dragged us out of bed at ten o'clock in the morning?" Cliff asked, who hadn't bothered to put on a shirt at all.
"Ten's early for you?" Stryder asked in mocked surprise.
Cliff rolled his eyes. "It is on a Saturday!"
"Well anyways!" Brandon cried. "That's not the point. The point is, is we met your brother." Everyone followed his gaze to Stryder, who looked shocked for an instant but then he quickly became guarded.
"What did he want?"
Again, the two told their story from earlier that morning. Stryder did a good job of keeping his feelings hidden from his face, but Kaleigh still noticed the balled fists.

"Well that took an unexpected turn in your date I suppose." Terra said quietly.
"You could say that." Kale mumbled.
"It wasn't a date." Brandon said at the same time. Kale glanced up at him and then to her brothers. Cliff looking slightly confused, but Venn gave her a sad look.
"O-kay, but all the same it must have been a shock to see him." Terra added.
"What did the Professor mean by the Council?" Cliff asked. Kaleigh let out a pent up breath glad that the subject had moved on.
"The Elemental's have a Council in Paris Illinois. It governs us, makes sure none of us do anything stupid like show ourselves to Ordinaries, make sure we're obeying the laws and such. Anyways they also have been looking for the Savior. Though I'm surprised they haven't asked for us to come up there yet since we all seem to be here." Brandon added thoughtfully.
"Well not all of the Guardians are here," Terra pointed out. "Cliff still doesn't have a Partner."
"And you know that's fine, I mean I'm good." Cliff spoke up hastily. "I don't think I'm really ready for that."
"What? A girlfriend?" Venn asked. Cliff glared at him.
"No, the whole 'we can talk to each other with out actually having to be in the same room' part. And besides for all you know the other water Elemental could be a guy!"
The room burst into laughter. Cliff looked around in shock.
"What? It wasn't that funny."
Terra shook her head. "And besides we don't have any fire Elemental's yet so we're not all here yet."
"Yeah," Brandon agreed. "But the majority of us are, plus the Savior so I'm still shocked they haven't called us yet."
"Well maybe they will once the Professor sends his letter." Kaleigh suggested.
Brandon nodded and moved towards the door.
"Yeah they will. So I suggest you pack."

Tuesday, May 28, 2013


No. 3: Pictures Don’t Change

Kaleigh’s eyes fluttered open when the sunrays that somehow managed to break through the grey cloud bank, warmed her face. The first thing she saw was the collage of pictures on the slanted ceiling above her bed. There she had posted most of the pictures she took with both the digital camera her brothers had given to her on her birthday only two days earlier, and the old film camera she had bought once she had gone to the mall for the first time in her real life when she was fifteen.

Her brain reminded her that it was Saturday. Smiling, she rolled back over and snuggled up deeper into her many blankets with the intention of not waking up until eleven.
She groaned.
So much for sleeping in. She thought to herself. You do know it’s eight o’clock on Saturday right? She replied in her head.
Yeah, but I knew you were up. Brandon answered.
She dug her head under her pillow in a feeble attempt to block him out.
Their telepathy link had grown stronger over time, things seemed to be adding to it, so now they could not only talk to each other, but could tell what the other was feeling. Which also meant they could tell when someone was awake or not.
She was quiet for a moment as she sifted through his feelings. He was excited about something, nerves too, but mostly tired.
And you stayed up all night again didn’t you? She asked.
Yeah…I wanted to finish this painting. But that’s not why I’m keeping you awake.
And the real reason would be…?
Meet me outside your house in fifteen minutes.
Kaleigh groaned and rolled out of bed, throwing on a thick robe to keep her from the brisk air.
She shuffled over to her dresser and picked out some jeans and the warmest turtleneck she had.
You’re annoyed with me aren’t you? Brandon asked as she threw on her clothes.
Why do you always ask questions to which you already know the answers?
She could hear Brandon chuckle as she pulled on some thick socks and her snow boots. Then she pulled on another fleece long sleeve over her turtleneck followed by a jacket.
She ran a brush through her hair before putting a beanie on.
This had better be good. And should I eat now? She asked.
Nah, I’ll get you a cinnamon bun.
Kaleigh smiled to herself as she walked out of her bed room. She knew by the snores coming from the boys’ closed door, that neither of them were up yet. So she scribbled a note and set it on the counter for them before opening the door and walking outside, pulling on her multicolored mittens that matched her beanie and then on a second thought, scooped up her film camera.
Her breath came out in a cloud before her as she stood in awe for a moment, taking in the winter wonderland laid out before her.
Then something dropped in front of her, making her jump back a step.
It took a minute for her mind to registered what she was seeing, but she finally figured out that Brandon had been on the roof, and was now hanging from the veranda ledge by a single hand.
She crossed her arms over her chest and cocked an eyebrow.
“Now you’re just showing off.” She mumbled as he dropped to the ground and straightened his jacket.
“And what is with you and roofs?”
Brandon shrugged and readjusted his trademark orange baseball cap.
“Ready to go?” He asked. His stormy blue eyes lighting up like Christmas lights.
Kaleigh nodded and he opened his arms. She sighed and was secretly glad her brothers were still asleep.
She walked up to him, nestling herself in between his arms and wrapping her own around his waist as tight as she could. She could feel him laugh and looked up at him with a question on her face.
“You could loosen up just a little, I’m not going to drop you.” He said as she suddenly realized they were leaving the ground. Kaleigh looked down in slight fascination. With Brandon’s control over wind, he could go anywhere he wanted, and though the two of them were Partners, he had only taken her flying once before. (He did help her in the fight against Sage in the fall, but she didn’t really count that.)
“Yes well excuse me if I’m not use to boys flying me around everywhere.” She answered.
There was something in his voice that compelled her to move her gaze from the passing city to Brandon’s face.
It was a face that had become imprinted behind her eyelids, it always seemed to pop up in her dreams and that use to freak her out.
It was a face that was all angles, half his face covered in light, the other in shadow. His eyebrows were lost in his brown hair that swept across his forehead. But his eyes always seemed to be looking into her heart. She knew that even with out the link between them he’d be able to tell whenever she was lying. He could read her like an open book.
“I’m never going to let go. Okay? I promise.”
Kaleigh’s mind reeled, but no words would come. She eased her grip on his jacket slightly as his grip on her became slightly stronger. She rested her head on his chest as she watched the city pass under them.
Her mind came up with a thousand possibilities to what his promise meant, but she knew it would just eat away at her, so she decided to push it to the back of her mind as she prayed for strength to keep it there.
“So…where are we going?” She asked after the silence seemed to deafen her.
Her eyes followed his finger and realized he was pointing to a plaza. She gasped as she realized what it was he was doing.
A squeal escaped her lips as the smile widened on her face.
“We’re going ice skating?!” She glanced up at him with such an innocent child like face that he couldn’t help but laugh as he nodded.
“We’re going ice skating!”
Brandon lowered them into an alley gently, but as soon as Kaleigh’s feet touched the ground she took off running.
Brandon smiled and shifted the backpack on his shoulders that held ice skates, before he followed her.

He found her leaning over the railing, her eyes wide as she watched the other couples skating before her.
“So, you have been skating before right?” He asked, guiding her to a bench.
“Yeah…well…okay in which life?” Her eyes were full of mischief and fun, making Brandon’s heart skip a beat.
Dang this girl drives me crazy. He thought to himself, careful to make sure she couldn’t hear him.
He handed her a pair of white figure skates and pulled out a pair of hockey skates for himself.
“Okay, can I ask where on earth you got these?” She asked, pulling off her snow boots.
“My mom, she hasn’t used them in years so I asked if you cold borrow them.”
She nodded several times as she laced them up. Her eyes watched the people gliding across the ice effortlessly, but her mind was occupied with the feelings radiating off Brandon. When she had made the joke about her virtual life verses her real life, she had noticed that one feeling spiked higher than normal, but she couldn’t figure out what feeling it was.
Shaking her head, she decided to push it all away and enjoy ice skating.
She looked up and saw that Brandon was standing in front of her, offering a hand.
“Ready.” She took his hand and let him pull her to her feet.

It was slightly awkward walking from the bench to the frozen water, but once she got there she hesitated a moment. Brandon had already gone out on the ice, gliding like it was no big deal. She drew in a breath and put her first foot out on the ice.
Once she was out there, it took her a minute to find her balance on the thin blades. But with the intense training she had gone through lately, it only took a moment, and then her reflexes kicked in.
“If I didn’t know any better,” Kaleigh jumped when Brandon appeared next to her. “I’d think you were born on skates.”
She tried to hide the blush on her cheeks, and just shrugged.
“Let’s just say I’m a fast learner. Okay?”
Brandon laughed, and grabbed her hand.
“Okay, but you could pick up the pace a little.”
Kaleigh stuck her tongue out at him, but followed anyways.
“So…what is this, exactly?” She asked, falling into stride with him.
“Um this is called ice? What are we talking about?” He looked confused though she knew he was just messing with her. She punched his arm, sending him the message that she knew he was playing.
“You know what I mean.”
He chuckled, and gazed off into the distance.
“This is…me holding your hand, me sounding like a complete idiot,”
Kaleigh burst out laughing, startling him for a moment before he smiled at her.
“Me making you laugh, I don’t know Kale, what do you want this to be? I totally suck when it comes to girls. Not like Venn who actually knows what he’s doing. I’ve never done this so, I’m clueless.”
Kale smiled up at him. They had coasted to a stop, and she took advantage of it, reaching up and planting a kiss on his cheek.
“Well then I guess we’re both clueless so we’ll have to figure it out as we go along.” She stated, letting go of his hand and skating backwards in front of him, leaving a stunned Brandon who seemed to be dazed.
“However, we could be in a bit of trouble if you freak out when I simply kiss you on the cheek.” She called to him, spinning around on her toe pick and picking up her speed.
The wind whipped through her hair, she shivered as the cold started to get to her. Rubbing her mitten covered hands together, she jumped when a pair of arms wrapped around her waist from behind.
“Well we both know you’d faint if I actually kissed you.” Brandon whispered.
Kaleigh’s eyes grew wide as she glanced over her shoulder at him. His eyes were dancing bright and she wondered if for a moment he really would.
“But,” Yep, she thought there might be one of those. “I’m not going to.” He said, letting go of her and coming up beside her.
“Not…that I’m disappointed or anything,” She started slowly. He glanced at her with a cocked eyebrow and a cocky grin. “But why not? Just out of pure curiosity.”
“Because you’re expecting it.”
She let out an exasperated sigh and looked at him with a hard look.
“Oh that’s just cruel.”
Brandon chuckled and came up in front of her, skating backwards.
“No, it’s just what my family believes in.”
“What?” She questioned, not getting his meaning.
“Well…My dad only kissed my mom when he knew he was going to spend the rest of his life with her. Only when he knew for sure.”
Kaleigh let a small smile cross her lips. It was sweet. She realized he was trying to make sure he didn’t lead her on, he didn’t want to jump to conclusions or give too much of himself away.
Personally, she was touched by how much he had thought about this. And she commended him for sticking by his beliefs and not letting the world get to him.
She nodded and smiled at him.
“Good for him, and I’m glad you stand for something. Because if you didn’t, you’d fall for anything.” She focused on skating for a moment as he came up beside her once again. “Or at least that’s what Cliff says.” She added.
Brandon laughed, shaking his head as he did. His brown hair falling in his eyes.
Kaleigh smiled, capturing the moment with the camera she had brought onto the ice, wanting to remember him smiling.
Little did she know, that it would be his last in a long time.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

No. 2

No. 2: A Different Kind of Life

“Scarlet, are we ever going to be normal?”
Scarlet looked down in shock at her younger sister who still clung to her hand like she was five.
Celia was watching the twelve year old kids her age playing on the school play ground.
Scarlet tapped her sister’s nose playfully.
“Hey, normal’s overrated okay? We’ve got superpowers, and all those kids are wishing they could be us.”
Celia smiled that smile that brought out the dimples in her cheeks, and took up her whole face.
It was the kind of smile that made Scarlet smile despite herself.
“Now come on kiddo, we’ve got to go eat something.”

Celia was sitting on her bed of old rags and blankets in the room she shared with her sister in an old abandoned house on Winona Boulevard. She hummed quietly to herself, waiting for Scarlet to get back with the food she had promised.
Celia rose from her cot, and fixed her hat.
“It has to get better…right God?” She asked as she starred out the window, watching the birds fly by.
She sighed and leaned her forehead against the window, the glass cold against her skin. Though it didn’t snow in Los Angeles, it sure could get cold. A shiver ran down the littler girl’s spine and she pulled her jacket closer to her body.
“Hey kiddo, look what I’ve got!”
Celia jumped at her sister’s sudden voice. She turned around quickly, her long red hair flowing out behind her. Her eyes brightened as she saw the familiar paper bag that held her favorite food.
“Oh Scarlet!! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!” She squealed, running up to her bigger sister and hugging her waist.
Scarlet chuckled as she sat down on the cot and placed the McDonalds meal out on the dirty floor.
Though they were alone in the world, and though they were on the run and had no one to turn to, for a brief moment, they could forget all that as they sat there, eating they’re favorite food. For a brief moment they felt like everything was alright.


 Scarlet woke with a start. Her bright blue eyes fluttered open but she was careful to keep her breathing deep and even, tricking any possible intruder that she was still in a deep sleep.
It took a moment for her eyes to get use to the dark, but once they did she could make out the vague shape of her sister sleeping on her cot across the room. She was still sleeping undisturbed.
Scarlet rolled her neck, trying to get the kink out of it.
That’s what you get for sleeping sitting up. She thought gloomily. What woke me up?
She glanced towards the door but couldn’t see anything beyond the doorframe.
She starred at it for a few seconds but when nothing moved beyond it she shrugged and tried to get back to sleep.
Just as she was about slip into unconsciousness, there was a creak on the stair case.
It took her a moment to keep her breathing even. Once she did she rose to her feet, and moved over to the door. There was another creak, but she couldn’t see squat.
She moved soundlessly over to the cot her sister was sleeping on and woke her up silently. Celia woke up silently as usual, if she could have her way she would rarely talk at all. But her eyes grew from confused and curious, to serious and guarded when Scarlet put her finger to her lips.
The two moved silently across the empty room. Scarlet kept Celia behind her as she moved towards the door.
Her heart beat was beating so hard she was sure that whoever was out there would hear. She raised her hands in front of her, determination and fire burning in her eyes.
Her arm was jerked away suddenly, causing her to jump. But when she looked around she saw that it was just her sister.
“No! You can’t use your powers! Bad things always happen when we use them.” She hissed quietly, fear was the only thing burning in her eyes.
Scarlet sighed and brought her hands down, the fire in her eyes dimming.
She glanced around the empty room looking for an alternative to getting out of the house. Her original plan was to just fight the intruder, but with out her power she wouldn’t be able to put up much of a fight.
Her eyes landed on the window on the far wall of the room. She walked briskly over to it, and tried to open it. She found that it was stuck good, putting her back into it, it slid open with a loud creak, making her flinch as she reached for her sister.
“Climb down the tree as quietly as possible, make sure you check the ground if you see anything weird.”
Celia nodded and scrambled into the tree limbs that held their arms open for her.
Scarlet turned back to the empty room, scooping up her backpack and pulling it onto her shoulders, tightening the straps to keep it from moving around so much.
A shadow appeared in the door, but that’s all it was, a shadow. She couldn’t make out anything from it, she couldn’t see who it was, or even what kind of clothes he was wearing.
“What do you want?” She asked, her voice calm but hard as steal.
The shadow crept closer, not bothering to be answered.
“Don’t come any closer.” She warned, raising her hands slowly.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” The shadow warned.
“Do what?”
“Go for that knife.”
Scarlet laughed and shook her red curls.
“What is with Ordinaries and being exceedingly blind?” She asked clapping her hands together. The spark ignited and the flame danced in her fingers.
“Who ever said I was going for a knife?” Her eyes danced with a flame of danger. The shadow hesitated for a moment before thinking better of himself and dashing out the door.
Scarlet extinguished the flame and blew a strand of hair out of her face.
“Yeah, that’s what I thought.”

Soon she had joined her sister outside in the cool breeze, guiding her to a new hiding spot.
“You didn’t hurt him did you?” Celia asked.
Scarlet looked down at her little sister and smiled.
“No. I didn’t hurt him. He might have peed his pants, but I didn’t touch him.”
Celia rolled her eyes.
“You are always scaring people.” She mumbled.
“Yes, and you are always making sure I don’t scare them too much, so you see? We balance each other out.” Scarlet said, kissing the little girl’s forehead gently.

Monday, April 29, 2013


No. 1: Life As They Know It

His pen tapped away on the notebook as he tried and tried to think of something good to write.
His eyes wandered around his room that he shared with his brother, insanely, and hopelessly thinking that something might spark inspiration. His side was fairly clean, the bed made up, the clothes restrained to the chair. But his brother's side looked like an atomic bomb just went off.
He groaned and slammed his head onto his desk in frustration.
"Creativity not working for you today Cliff?" A voice asked.
He turned his head so he could see his brother though his blond hair.
"M-mm." He moaned.
His brother just smiled as his thumbs flew over the Xbox controller.
"Well take a break and help me beat these guys. I'm dying!!"
Cliff chuckled and picked up the second controller and sat down on his brother's bed.
"You always need me to come save your butt." He mumbled.
"Ha! No. I can save myself."
Cliff rolled his eyes as he jumped into the game.
"Yeah right. The only reason why you made it out alive from your last date with Terra was because she saved your butt from those Phantoms lurking in the alley. You were too busy trying to get all cozy."
"Hey! Shut up you idiot. You know I don't do stuff like that."
Cliff just laughed. He knew, of course. Venn had been raised to respect a women and not to cross the line. But that didn't stop him from teasing him.
"Speaking of dates." Venn piped up. Cliff groaned.
"Just kill me now." He mumbled.
"When are you going to find yourself a girlfriend?"
"Uh, when I find one that doesn't mind a writer, likes to get chased by the monsters that hid in her closet as a kid, and doesn't mind my having super powers. You find one that doesn't mind all that, you send her my way."
Venn nodded very seriously as he let on a rain of bullets to the enemy line by the push of a button.
"Yup. I'll be sure to do that."

Terra's hands flew across the black and white keys as she played her favorite song by heart. She, of course, had to play everything by heart, since she was unable to read the music sheets due to the car accident that had stolen her sight from her, but she had been determined to learn how to play the piano, and so she spent every free time practicing.
And now she was to the point that everyone called her the second Mozart. Though she was never sure how to handle that compliment.

"Hey girl."
Terra's head turned to the voice that had just appeared. Not that she didn't know the person was walking through the closed music room in the wing of the manor no one uses.
"Hey Kale. What's up?" She said, scooting over on the bench, as Kaleigh slid in next to her.
They both laughed at her response.
"Brandon getting on your nerves again?"
"Brandon's always on my nerves. But in a good way."
Terra smiled and bumped her friend in the shoulder.
"So, what did he do this time? Still hasn't asked you out?"
Kaleigh sighed and pushed her black bangs out of her face.
"No. And you know it wouldn't be such a big deal, and usually I try not to think of it, but after what he did before our showdown with Sage..." She groaned and rested her head on the keys of the piano.
Terra rubbed her back comfortingly.
"I'm sorry Kaleigh. He's never had a girlfriend, never even liked a girl before, and this is all new to him and he doesn't have a clue how to ask you out, or if he should or anything. He's just scared."
"And like I have? My love life is the funniest joke around."
"Aw, you're being way to hard on yourself."
Kaleigh sighed.
"Alright, you need a break and hang out with your best friend. So, let's ditch our love lives, and boys and get out of here." Terra exclaimed.
Kaleigh smiled at her, thankful for the escape that she desperately needed.
"Oh, and you'll never guess what I did." She said as they walked out of the music room and through the hall.
"I stole Brandon's hat."
Terra gasped in mock horror.
"No you didn't!"
"Oh yes I did!"


The violin was grasped in his hand, his fingers light and nimble on the neck of the instrument. He flexed his fingers on the bow in his other hand as he brought it up and let it flow over the strings, pouring out a melody.
He played her heart. Her happiness, her spunk, her uniqueness.
He played his own heart. The joy that ran through him when she smiled at him. Then the sadness when he also saw her holding hands with someone else. The sudden realization that she wasn't his. And would likely, never be.
The violin played both their hearts circling around close, but never close enough.
His body moved with the melody, swaying as it rose and dropped.
He moved soundlessly across the room. He had drawn the thick curtains closed, blocking out the sunlight. The unmade bed gave witness of the fitful nights he had been having. The clothes scattered everywhere told anyone who walked in that he hated doing laundry.

The knock on the door interrupted his trance. He let the violin and bow drop to his side as he padded barefoot across the room and opened the door.
He wanted to hit his head against the door jam when he saw who was standing on the other side of it. He could have seen Brandon miles away and known instantly who it was not only because of the distinct orange baseball cap that he always worn backwards, but also by the various colors of pain that seemed to be perminante stains all over his arms and hands.
"Yes Brandon?" He asked curtly.
Brandon looked a bit surprised by his sharpness, but didn't take it personally.
"Kaleigh wanted me to remind you that dinner was ready, and she doesn't want you to be late."
He nodded and closed the door in his face. He placed his precious violin in it's case, closed it and pulled on his boots and coat.

Kaleigh looked up as the door to the house she and her two brother's stayed in opened, sending in a draft of winter wind.
"Hey Stryder! Wondered if you were going to show up." She said as she pulled the bread out of the oven.
"Careful, it's hot." She said to Terra who dumped the loaf onto the cooling rack.
"I got it." Terra said with a smile.
Kale stopped and looked at Stryder with a smile.
"So why don't you take off the coat and help set the table. And then go yell at those boys, they're in their room playing who knows what." She said, handing him a stack of plates.
Stryder smiled back at her, though she noted it was one of his gloomy smiles, and took the plates from her. His golden eyes meeting hers for just a moment before he walked to the table that was at the opposite end of the near the couch.

The house wasn't very big, but since only three people lived in it, it was more than enough room. Though it was times like this that Kaleigh wished it was a tad bit bigger.
She shrugged at her thoughts and stirred the pot of spaghetti noodles.
"Okay so I put the garlic butter on the bread," Terra said. "The salad is on the table, anything else I have to get?"
Kaleigh smiled at her friend and shook her head.
"Nope, sounds like you got it all. Thanks Terra for helping out. I could have dragged my brother's into doing it but that wouldn't have gone well."
Terra snorted and shook her long brown curls out of her face.
"Yeah I know all about that."
"Boys!!" Kaleigh yelled at the top of her lungs. Making Terra laugh, and Stryder jump in shock.
"Get in here so we can say grace!" She finished.
"Alright alright, we're coming, we're coming." They shouted from their bedroom.
A few seconds later her two brothers came running into the living room.
They came up on either side of her, Venn flung an arm over her shoulders, and Cliff held her hand, then the rest of the kids joined up hands and Venn led them in a word of prayer.
Once they all said amen they sat down and Brandon and Stryder immediately dug in. But when they saw everyone was just sitting there, they hesitated.
“What?” Stryder asked.
“Usually we let the girls go first.” Cliff explained.
Brandon dropped the serving spoon and held up his hands.
“My bad, sorry.” He said, shooting Kaleigh an apologetic crooked grin.
The two girls dished out their food, and as soon as Terra dropped the spoon, the boys dished up what was left.

“How’d you do in PE today Terra?” Cliff asked in between bites.
Terra swallowed before answering.
“It was alright, Cap is hard on me though. Just today he had me run five miles, threw up afterwards.”
“Ugh, I personally liked training much better when the Professor was supervising.” Kaleigh pipped up.
“He’s getting old,” Stryder said. “He should have retired a while ago.”
Kaleigh bit her bottom lip, knowing he was right, but she hated change and didn’t want to admit that things were changing all around her.
“Aw come on Kale, change isn’t all bad.” Brandon had this uncanny way of guessing what she was thinking. She couldn’t figure out if it was their telepathic link, or she was just an open book.
“Well my experience with it hasn’t been all to great.” She mumbled. These words cast an immediate gloomy affect on the rest of the group. She sighed and got up from the table. Tossing her napkin on the table, she walked into her bedroom and quietly closed the door.
“Why do I always have to slip up like that? Everyone was having a great time and I always find some way to go and ruin it.” She whispered to herself.
Pushing herself away from the door, she played her ‘depressed’ play list on her iPod and collapsed onto her bed.
Fifteen minutes passed by before the anticipated knock rang louder than her music volume.
She pulled her earphones out, and hollered at the door.
“Come in!”
She didn’t need to look up to know who it was, she could smell the oil on his skin that had soon been associated with her Partner.
“So what’s eating away at you?” He asked, pulling the door too, and then coming and sitting on the edge of her bed.
“And don’t say nothing because I know something is by the way you walked out.”
Kale sighed and starred absently at the ceiling.
“I just have bad days every now and then.” She answered, avoiding the question.
Brandon rolled his eyes and tapped her leg.
“Come on, I want to show you something.”  He held out a hand, and after a moment of starring at it, she slipped hers into it. She never realized how small she was until her hand was put to size with one of the boys’.

Brandon led her outside after saying a brief word to her brothers and making sure they knew where they were going. Then he led her to his green racer bike.
She chuckled when he handed her the exact same helmet he had given her when he took her to his favorite ice cream parlor last fall.
She waited patiently as he started the engine up, then hopped on.

After several minutes of dodging through traffic, they finally pulled up into the drive way of his mom’s house.
He turned off the engine, and held out a hand to help Kaleigh keep her balance as she hopped off. Not that she needed it.
“Aw, just what I needed, a visit with the family.” She said with a growing smile as she slipped the helmet off and ran her fingers through her raven hair.
“Was that sarcasm?” Brandon asked with a grin, coming up beside her and opening the door for her.
“No! I was being dead serious! I love your family, they’re so nice to me and don’t treat me like I have problems. They treat me like a…normal girl.”
Brandon smiled the kind of smile that came strait from his heart.
“I’m glad you like my family. I do too.”
She laughed as they both stomped their boots on the door mat and entered the house.
“Mom! I’m home! And I brought Kaleigh!” Brandon shouted as he took Kale’s coat and scarf and hung it up in the closet.
Brandon’s mom came running into the room, her brown hair hung down at her shoulders, and though her face showed signs of age, her smile and eyes were still as youthful as ever.
“Oh Kaleigh! It’s so glad to see you again!” She cried, rushing over and hugging Kaleigh so tight that it was like she had found a lost daughter.
“It’s good to see you too Tracy.” Kale said with a smile.
A second later, Kaleigh’s lungs were crushed by a strong bear hug, and blond curls were in her mouth.
“Hey Maddy, how are you?” Kale asked using her hands.
“I’m great! I’m so glad you came, I haven’t seen you in ages!” Maddy signed back.
“Well I’m here now, so all’s forgiven?”
“Of course!”
“Can I get you anything to eat or drink Kaleigh?” Tracy asked. Kale shook her head, and answered politely.
“No thank you. I just ate.”
Tracy smiled and looked from Kaleigh to her son. “Well we’ll leave you two alone. We’ll be in the kitchen if you need anything.”
Kale caught Tracy’s wink and knew she was blushing. The poor boy hadn’t even asked her out yet, but they all knew the feelings were there.
Tracy and Maddy left for the kitchen, leaving Kaleigh and Brandon in the living room by themselves.
“Come on, I know you want to talk, but let’s go out to the garage.” Brandon said, already moving in that direction.

In the garage, Brandon pulled the swivel chair from his desk and set it near his easel, where he was working on a sketch of what looked like six figures standing side by side, with either their arms draped over each other’s shoulders or holding hands.
Kaleigh sat down on the swivel chair, and watched as Brandon picked up his pencil and did a few touch ups.
“Wow! Even for just a sketch I’m impressed.” She muttered. Now it was Brandon’s turn to blush.
“I’ve been working on it for a while now, trying to get it just right and all.”
“Wait you’ve just been working on a sketch? You haven’t even started painting yet?”
“Nope. Like I said, I wanted it to be just right.”
Kaleigh leaned in over his shoulder to get a closer look.
“Oh gosh, yeah I’ll say you’ve got it right. I mean look, that’s me! And it’s actually a pretty good resemblance…I’d say you did a fine job on all of them, though…you made your nose too big and your eyes aren’t that close together.”
As she made observations, she watched as Brandon erased his own face and made the adjustments she suggested.
“That good?” He asked.
A very studious look crossed her face as she studied the drawing, and then his own face.
“Yep, looks good.” She replied after a moment.
Kale watched quietly as she watched him mix up his paints, and carefully pick out a brush, which he tested the thickness of the line on his palm. After he had created a flesh color, he began to paint Terra’s face.
“So we came here so you could talk, not just watch me.” He said after a moment of silence.
“Yeah but watching you is calming.” She blurted out before her brain could catch up to her mouth.
He glanced at her, but she forced herself to stare at the painting.
Brandon shrugged and continued painting, if she was going to talk, she would talk when she felt like it.
It only took a few more seconds of silence before she started talking though.
“Sometimes I feel like I’m a nobody.” She whispered, knowing that he probably wanted to know why she had stormed out earlier.
“Why would you feel like that?” He asked calmly.
Kale let out a sigh and ran her fingers through her hair.
“I guess…because my past isn’t really my past. I mean it’s hard enough being an Elemental, and know that I’ll never be a normal girl, I’ll always have a secret to guard and if it was just that I might be okay. But because of what the Professor did to me…I just have identity problems I guess.”
Brandon paused a moment and turned to her.
“Kaleigh, everyone has identity problems. Yes I understand what you’re saying, your’s are unique. And I know it can get lonely because no one really knows what you’re going through, but that doesn’t mean you’ve got to face the fears on your own.”
Kaleigh gave him a small smile.
Brandon always knew just what to say to make her feel better.


Prologue: Into the Darkness

Kaleigh ran down the streets as fast as she could make her burning legs go. Her heart was beating so hard she was sure it would burst out of her chest.
She had lost Brandon a few minutes before when he dashed down an alley, leaving her fighting one of the Phantom's chasing them.
It had only taken her a moment before her glass ealantean whip crashed through the Phantom's Casing and dispersed it's energy. But by then, she had already lost him.

Turning sharply down another alley she leaned against the wall, panting and trying to get her heart beat down. She could hear the whisperings of the Phantoms reaching out to her like tendrils of smoke that sent chills down her spine. She took a minute to glance around her surroundings.
She was in a dead end. Lovely.
The wall she was leaning on at the moment was the back of a small fish cafe. It reeked of dead fish, and decaying scales, making her want to gag. The cafe was actually a small building, she realized, as she walked over to the dumpster, her sleeve over her nose as she closed it.
She jumped onto it easily, her well tuned sense of balance helping her feet get a grip on the icey top. She reached over her head and grabbed the roof's edge. Not for the first time, she thanked her brothers' and Brandon's persisting (to the point of annoyance) that she work out.

Atop of the roof, her bright blue and silver eyes swept the roof tops and she noticed something orange hanging on the corner of the roof next to her, standing out against the snow that covered the roof tops. She could also see the footprints in the snow and smiled. At least she was on the right track. But more importantly, she heard the whispering grow louder, the chill dropping several degrees colder.
It were getting closer.
She ran across the short roof, and flung herself into the air.
For a split second, she was perfectly suspended. Then gravity claimed her, and she quickly reached out for the taller roof. Her fingers burned as all her weight was supported by them when they caught the gutter. Her feet found the top of a window frame and she pulled herself onto the roof.
She saw the flash of orange again, and snatched it before running towards the next roof. Glancing down at the item in her hand, she rolled her eyes as she placed the orange baseball cap on her head, bill backwards, and then focused on the upcoming jump to the next roof.

Ahead she could see the outline of a figure in a black snow jacket, waiting just a few roofs away.
She quickly made the jumps between the roofs, when she noticed he was moving towards her. She smiled and pulled down on the hat to make sure it didn't fall off by the wind howling.
Kaleigh noticed, that as he grew closer, he was trying to say something, but it was hard to hear over the wind.
Behind you! His voice yelled in her head.
She hadn't imagined his voice in her head, his voice was actually in her head. Having been Bonded together by an ancient ritual, the two shared a telepathy link that allowed them to talk to each other across great distances.

Kaleigh's body went into attack mode. She could sense a blow to the back of her head, and quickly dropped to her knees. Pivoting on one knee, her whip licked out like a deadly snake, biting the Phantom in the leg. She pulled her arm back, the whip tightened around his leg until it cut it clean off.
When she had first fought a Phantom she had expected flesh and blood to be everywhere. But Phantoms weren't made out of flesh and blood like humans. They're simply made up of energy they soak up from things around them. So even when she did kill one, it wasn't dead. The energy just went back to what it had come from, and the Phantom was left to hide below the surface, and soak up more until it could get what was called a Casing, a fake body. It too was made up of energy, but it disguised the Phantom as human so it could blend into the crowds.

She heard the familiar zing of her Partner's ninja stars as they zipped past her head and dug themselves into the Phantom.
Kaleigh pushed her long, raven black hair out of her eyes as she watched the Phantom's Casing melt away slowly, revealing the ugly posterior. The Phantom's black-grey skin was crackled, and reminded her of rock. The energy flowing in the creature could be seen through the cracks in the rock like veins of fire. But as the stars pierced through in several different places, the Phantom melted away.

A hand was offered to Kaleigh, pulling her back up to her feet. She smiled up at the boy and said thanks. A smile crossed his lips, showing his dimples on each cheek that Kale thought was just too cute. His stormy grey eyes were kind and full of relief that nothing had happened to her. He did, however, look rather strange with out his usual orange baseball cap on top of his spiky brown hair.
"Thanks for getting my hat." He said, appreciatively, as he reached to grab it from her head. She held onto it and slipped out of his reach.
"Uh-uh! I found it, I get to wear it!" She cried with a playful smile.
Brandon sighed, his breath forming into a cloud as the warm air came into contact with the cold.
"Well hey, at least I know that hat's good for something." He said with a wink and crooked smile.
She crossed her arms, and cocked an eyebrow.
"Oh? And what's that?" She challenged.
"That it makes you look even better when you wear it backwards." He said with a growing grin.
Kaleigh attempted to scowl at him, but her lips were too eager to jump into a smile.

Hello World!

Hey guys! I'm back with the second book to the trilogy - The Guardian Chronicles!!! Yay!!!
I know, I know, you guys just can't wait to get started. ^_* Well just know that this is a rough draft, and so expect a few mistakes and stuff.
Also big WARNING! I meant to introduce some monsters in the first book (Awake) but I had already finished it, so I'm going to go back and introduce them. So the prologue to this book might seem a little....weird.
Just a forewarning.

Hope you guys like it!
